Albert Lamorisse

Photographer Albert LAMORISSE (1922, Paris, France) turned to directing shorts in the late 40s, soon acquiring an international reputation for it. Both his short film Crin-Blanc (1953) and Le ballon rouge (1956) received a grand prize at the Cannes Film Festival. In the early 60s he turned to feature length films and after that to documentary shorts. He was killed in 1970 in a helicopter crash in Iran while shooting a documentary near Teheran. That film, Le vent des amoureux (1978) was later edited from his notes and was nominated for an Oscar as best feature documentary in 1979.


Bim (1950), Crin-blanc (1953, short), Le ballon rouge (1956, short), Le voyage en ballon (1960), Le songe de chevaux sauvages (1962, short), Fifi la plume (1965), Paris jamais vu (1967, short doc), Versailles (1967, short doc), Le vent des amoureux (1978, doc)