

Jasmine's life is turned upside down when she discovers she is pregnant again. Already being the mother of two and having had a post-natal depression after the birth of her last son, deep down she knows she cannot have a third child.

What have you achieved so far with the BoostNL programme?

So far we have been able to develop the project further through very helpful coaching sessions of a script consultant and inspiring conversations with experts such as Rebecca Gomperts who provided her insights on abortion in our story through her work and activism. This has brought more depth to our story and confirmed us in our belief to tell this story. The live pitching at Holland Film Meeting was also a valuable experience to sharpen our vision of the project and enabled us to meet with potential partners.


What would be your ideal next steps for your project?

We want to reconnect to the potential partners we spoke to during our time at the festival. We would like to explore if there could be a viable collaboration for this film with a potential partner. Additionally, we want to delve back into the script with our writer Kate and evaluate the feedback we have received from the other Boost-NL project participants. We feel that we gained  a fresh perspective on our plans during the festival. Finally, we hope to make new connections in the coming time with distributors and sales agents to plan our ideal trajectory for the project.




Mischa Kamp, director 

Mischa Kamp

Loes Komen, producer 

Loes Komen

Kate Brown, screenwriter 

Kate Brown