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Britton, South Dakota
A found footage film from the mid-20th-century heartland. Vanessa Renwick has resituated cinematic snapshots as an eerie, anonymous parade of children, confused subjects with unclear futures. You have seen their faces.
Sylvia Kristel – Paris
When does a recording become a portrait? When we find something unique in it? Or when we recognise it somehow? Ten years ago, Manon de Boer started to make radically sober recordings of reading faces. Since then she had continued to explore the impact of a face, registered by a camera. Or she has created […]
Working with performer Rosalynde LeBlanc, Burt Barr has created a music video which overturns the rapid-fire schizophrenia of the genre: he limits the frame to a tight head shot, fixing his subject with an intimate and unswerving gaze. From LeBlanc’s lips we hear Otis Clay’s amorous voice crooning the Bluegrass classic Banks of the Ohio.