
IFFR 2001

The year 2000 was a disaster for many web artists and producers. After the closure of major dotcoms such as Pop, DEN and Pseudo, many investors decided to turn their back on producing 'web content'. But small successes were made by independent makers and animation studios. This panel debate is about production and financing strategies and primarily poses the question of which models you should use to create original work for Internet. Keith Boesky (Boesky & Company) works as lawyer and independent adviser for online entertainment companies (including Universal Studios). Mike Tucker worked on several international media projects (including The Last Cowboy). Laura Hastings-Smith works for the young lifestyle magazine Dazed and Confused and, with Jefferson Hack and Howie B, she produced Stop for a Minute. Vinci Thomas works for the French FIFI, an international film festival that focuses entirely on films made for Internet.

IFFR 2001

Festival Edition
IFFR 2001
Festival Edition
IFFR 2001