IFFR Young Selectors: Beats


IFFR 2019

Rotterdam creatives Xiang Yu, Davi, Boaz and Sara are the IFFR Young Selectors. They take matters into their own hands by organising two film events: one before and one during the festival. From marketing to side-programming and production: these youngsters decide everything themselves!

The IFFR Young Selectors are coming at you this year with the theme Seeking Identity. In today’s hypermodern, hyper digital rapidly changing world, the sense of who we are and what it means to be yourself is quickly transforming. In a series of events you’re going to join us on a trip to explore the different faces of personal identity.

This time around we’re putting focus on the road towards finding personal identity. We’ve chosen a very special one that is sure to enthrall audiences worldwide during the festival season and beyond: Beats by Brian Welsh. A film best described as a thrilling, showstopping, electrifying, adrenaline-fueled rollercoaster ride towards a rave. Beats is a magical cinematic trip that sharply explores what happens when personal identity clashes with the norms of mainstream society.

To be honest with you, a film like Beats defies any explanation and needs to be experienced on its own, and what better way to catch this one than on the exclusive silver screen of IFFR 2019? Come with us on our trip, and we promise you: it will be “fucking magic!”

Side Programme: TBA

20:00 hours: start introduction
20:10 hours: start Beats
22:00 hours: break
22:15 hours: start side programme
23:00 hours: end event

Want to know more about IFFR Young Selectors? Click here for more information. Do you have any questions? Please mail to [email protected].

Regular ticket price is €12, discounts available. 


IFFR 2019