A series of lectures and presentations produced by the International Film Festival Rotterdam and the Netherlands Architecture Institute, in the framework of the thematic IFFR programme Speed of Light and the NAI exhibition Architecture of the Night. English spoken.

Participants: Knut Åsdam (IFFR Artist in Focus; in conversation with visual artist Valérie Jouve on notions of urban life in their work), Rogier van der Heide (light designer; on media façades and UNStudio), Chrissie Isles (Whitney Museum New York; on expanded cinema in retrospect), Eléonore de Lavandeyra-Schöffer (on Luminodynamism in the work of Nicolas Schöffer), Régis Michel (Chief Curator Musée du Louvre; a critical reading of Jeff Wall’s After ‘Invisible Man’ by Ralph Ellison, The Prologue: White Negro: Jeff Wall's Uncle Tom. On the Obscenity of Photopantomime), Dietrich Neumann (co-curator of Architecture of the Night), David E. Nye (author of Electrifying America; on the technological sublime), Joost Rekveld (visual artist and co-curator of Villa Photon; Seven Suprematist Revolutions, a visual essay on projection), Jos Stuyfzand (Global Director Ambient Experience for the Philips Lab; on Ambient Experience Design), Daniela Zyman (on ‘making room’ or how seeing takes place in a light space).

Festival Edition
IFFR 2007
Festival Edition
IFFR 2007