Yann Beauvais

Yann BEAUVAIS (1953, France) has been making (short) films since 1976. He is co-founder of Light Cone, a distribution company for experimental films.


(all short) R (1976), Homovie (1977), Mis en pièces (1978), Très rare film (1978), Wanderer (1978) Temps de mètre (1980), Disjet (1982), Éliclipse (1982), Miles (1983), Enjeux (1984), Sans titre 84 (1984), Journaux (1985), RR (1985), VO/ID (1986), Amoroso (1986), Divers-épars (1987), 29 10 88 (1988), Ligne d'eau (1989), Tas de beaux gosses (1989), Boys and Girls (1989, co-dir), Spetsai (1989), Soft Collisions Dream of a Good Soldier(1991, co-dir), Quatr'un (1991), We've Got the Red Blues (1991), SID A IDS (1992), New York Long Distance (1994), Sans titre 96 (1996), Still Life (1997), Work And Progress (1999, co-dir), Adrift (2002), Tu, sempre (2002), Cyclist (2004), Da galpao da Dona Ana (2004), Est absente (2004), Shibuya (2004), Palestine libre (2005), Pain bagna (2005), Sans titre Beijing (2006), D'un couvre-feu (2006), Hezraelah (2006), Sans titre Sao Paulo (2006), Mars (2007), Spin (2008), Affection exonérante (2008), …Desde 1504 já traficavamos pelo rio Paraguaçu con os nativos (2008)