Tomas Villum Jensen

Tomas VILLUM JENSEN (1971, Denmark) is an actor as well as director. He has acted in a number of Danish films e.g. Just a Girl (1995), In China They Eat Dogs (1999), Count Axel (2001) and Old Men in New Cars (2002). In 1996 he madethe short film Ern e st and the Light, which was nominated for an Oscar in 1997. In 1999 he made his first feature film Love at First Hiccough . His second feature My Sister's Kids (2001) was a winner of several awards e.g. the award of the children’s jury at the Lübeck Nordic Film Days. Jensen mentioned earlier that he wanted to make a film about film making, treating his own profession with humour and satire. An idea that resulted in this latest film Clash of Egos .


Ernst og lyset/Ernest and the Light (1996, short), Kærlighed ved første hik/Love at First Hiccough (1999), Min søsters børn/My Sister's Kids (2001), Min søsters børn i sneen/My Sister's Kids 2 (2002), Solkongen/The Sun King (2005), Spænfarlig Bombe/Clash of Egos (2006)