Simone Bennett

Simone BENNETT (Netherlands) is a filmmaker and artist based in Amsterdam. After graduating from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, she worked in Berlin for a few years. During her studies, Bennett met cinematographer Lonneke Worm, and they have been working together making films ever since.


(all short, selection) Maanzaad (1996), Loners (1997), Verdriet der idioten (1997), I Just Want to Make Love to You (1998), Alien man van de toekomst (1998), 24 Hour Psychedelic Space Party (1999), Disco (1999), Egg (1999), Child And Art (1999), Rituals (1999), Nan And Grandad Won the Bingo (1999), Sleep (2000), Nothing Real (2000), Sigurd Cogius (2000), Pak het vlees (2000), Man op dak (2000), Mental Dental (2001), Bejaarden en freaks (2001), Just Another Rip-Off (2001), Tiny Consumer (2001), Trilogy, Unlike You She Will (2001), Trilogy, iedereen kan overal naar binnen (2002), Trilogy, What Are the Neighbours Doing (2002), Sucht (2005), Mixtape (2005), Benidorm (2005), The Beach (2005), Rabbits And Pirates (2005), Courtship Display (2006), The Truth Machine (2007), The Score (2011), Motor (2012)