Ruben Imaz

Ruben IMAZ CASTRO (1979, Mexico City) studied at the cinema school Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica in Mexico City from 1999 to 2006. In 2004 he participated in the Berlinale Talent Campus with his one-minute short Lola-Cicatriz. Turtle Family is Imaz Castro’s graduation project and his first feature film. It received post-production financial support from the Hubert Bals Fund.


Juego de pelota/Ball game (2001, short), Afuera de la ciudad/Outside the City (2003, short), Lola-Cicatriz Lola/Scar (2004, short), Aitona/Abuelo/Grandfather (2005, doc) Familia Tortuga/Turtle Family (2006)