Richard Groschopp

Richard GROSCHOPP (1906-1996, Germany) started his career as a baker and made films in his spare time. But he soon switched to cinema. During WWII, he made instruction films for manrines. After the war he was one of the first film makers at the DDR state studio DEFA. In 1967 he broke through with Chingackgook, die große Schlange.


(Selection) Die wundersamen Abenteuer des kleinen Mutz (short, 1932), Lerne Kriegsschiffe kennen (short, 1942), Dresden (documentary, 1946), Das Stacheltier - Endstation Kanal (short, 1957), Die Liebe und der Co-Pilot (1961), Chingackgook, die große Schlange (1967).