Pascal Fendrich

Pascal FENDRICH (1972, Mannheim) studied art, French and biology in Heidelberg and at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne. His work has been internationally exhibited and screened. Bernd HÄPFER (1967, Cologne) studied music sciences, philosophy and linguistics at the University of Cologne. He works with electronic and chamber music, jazz/pop, video, computer animation and also develops software.


[all shorts and co-dir.] Bold 1 (1998), Kylling (1998), Best Before... See Bottom (1998-2000), 2 zwei deux two dos due iki (1999), Entertainment Part 1 (2000), Pneuma_Software (2000), Praha (2002), Wohin nur mit der vielen zeit? (2002), Cars S/T2 Part 1 (2003), Shoes - S/T2 Part 2 (2003), Speedcrystal - S/T2 Part 3 (2003)