Mikhail Ilyenko

Mikhail Ilyenko graduated in 1970 from the VGIK (Moscow Film Institute). In 1972 he made the documentary Krug about ceramic-makers in the Ukraine. Since then he has made several full-length features, TV films and documentaries and worked as scriptwriter for other directors.


Krug (1972), Tam vdali za rekoy (1976), Sapogi smyatku (1978, TV), Sjkola (1981, TV), Mirgorot (1983), Kazhdy okhotnik zhelayet znatj (1985), Foochow I (1993), Foochow (1995), Khudozhnik Natalya Rudyuk (1995), Knyazha Regata (1995), Seventh Route (1997)