Mark Toscano

Mark TOSCANO (USA) is a filmmaker, curator and film preservationist. He works for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Film Archive, and is specialised in the archiving and restoration of experimental cinema. He lives and works in Los Angeles.


(all short) Steven & Maureen’s Wedding (2008), Finding the Horn (2008), The Wofobs (2008), The Electrolysis of Brine (2008), Big Book (2008), It’s OK (2008), White Noise (2008), WDD/CHL (2009), The Known World (2009), Bird (2009), Ten Moving Pictures (2009), I Left My Heart (2010), February 2008 & June 1967 (2010), SHOWBIZ (2011), Rating Dogs on a Scale of 1 to 10 (2011), Demonstration (2012), Process of Elimination (2012), Releasing Human Energies (2012)