Lynn Shelton

Lynn SHELTON (1965-2020, USA) worked as an actress, screenwriter and director, known from films such as Humpday (2009) and Your Sister's Sister. She also had experience of editing, production and camera work. Her fiction film Laggies (2014), with Keira Knightley in the lead role, has been selected for Critics' Choice in IFFR 2015.


(selection) We Go Way Back (2006), What the Funny (2008, video), My Effortless Brilliance (2008), Humpday (2009), $5 Cover: Seattle (2009, TV Series), Mad Men (2010, TV Series, Hands and Knees episode), Your Sister's Sister (2011), Ben and Kate (2012, TV Series, The Trip episode), New Girl (2012-2014, TV Series), Touchy Feely (2013), Laggies (2014), The Mindy Project (2014, TV Series, I Slipped episode)

More info: Wikipedia, Lynn Shelton