Luis Buñuel

Luis BUÑUEL (Spain, 1900 - Mexico, 1983), founder of surrealism in the cinema, was one of the most influential directors in the history of film. From his short film Un chien Andalou (1929) to Cet obscur objet du désir (1977) he was to remain controversial, partly because of his anticlerical attitudes and his obsession with the most subversive sides of bourgeois society.


Un chien Andalou/An Andalusian Dog (1929), L'âge d'or/The Golden Age (1930), Las Hurdes/Tierra sin pan/Land Without Bread, (1933), Gran Casino/Magnificent Casino (1946), El Gran Calavera/The Great Madcap (1949), Los olvidados/The Forgotten (1950), Susana (1951), La hija del engaño/The Daughter of Deceit (1951), Subida al cielo/Ascent to Heaven (1952), Una mujer sin amor/A Woman Without Love (1952), El bruto/The Brute (1953), El/This Strange Passion (1953), La ilusión viaja en tranvía/The Illusion Travels by Streetcar (1954), Abismos de pasión/Abysses of Passion (1954), Las aventuras de Robinson Crusoe (1954), Ensayo de un crimen/Test of a Criminal (1955), El río y la muerte/The River and the Death (1955), Cela s'appelle l'aurore (1955), La mort en ce jardin (1956), Nazarín (1959), La fièvre monte à El Pao (1959), The Young One/La Joven (1960), Viridiana (1961), El ángel exterminador/The Exterminating Angel (1962), Le journal d'une femme de chambre/The Diary of a Chambermaid (1964), Simón del desierto (1965), Belle de jour (1967), La voie lactee/The Milky Way (1969), Tristana (1970), Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie (1972), Le fantôme de la liberté/The Phantom of Liberty (1974), Cet obscur objet du désir/That Obscure Object of Desire (1977)