Leo Mendoza

Leo MENDOZA (Chile) came to The Netherlands to study Filmmaking at the Vrije Schichopolis Kunst Academie in The Hague. His film Lamento de una Rima (1977) screened at film festivals in Lille and Bilbao. Back in Chile, he  turned to painting and participated in the first edition of the collective exhibition, Expoverano in Rocas de Santo Domingo. Mendoza's short film Reír o no reír (1978) is selected for the IFFR 2024 Focus: Chile in the Heart.


(all short) ¿Quién se parece a quién? (1975, doc), Barcelona, vistazo de otoño (1976, doc), Lamento de una rima (1977, doc), Reír o no reír (1978)