Eino Ruutsalo

Eino RUUTSALO (1921-2001, Finland) studied painting and drawing in New York and Helsinki. He was one of the most prominent pioneers in Finnish visual and kinetic arts. He was a filmmaker, painter, sculptor and a visual poet. He is wel- known for his experimental short films such as Kinetic Images. His film debut was New York, The Foggy City in the early 1950s. Ruutsalo also directed a series of feature films inspired by the French New Wave movement.


New York: usvainen kaupunki/New York: The Foggy Town (1953, short doc), Vanhaa ja uutta Helsinkiä/Old and New Helsinki (1954, short doc), Unelmien Pariisi/Paris of My Dreams (1955, short doc), Ullakko elää/The Attic in Action (1958, short doc), Puhuvat kädet/Talking Hands (1959, short doc), Säkeitä Holapan runoista/Poems (1960, short), Don Quijote/Don Quixote (1961, short), Hetkiä yössä/Moments of the Night (1961), Kotka/The Eagle (1962, short), Tuulinen päivä/Windy Day (1962), Kineettisiä kuvia/Kinetic Images (1962, short), Pieni maailma Gotlanti/Small World Gotland (1963, short doc), Sinisilmäinen Helsinki/Blue Eyed Helsinki (1963, short doc), Les siffleurs/The Piping (1964), Romutaiteilija/The Junk Artist (1965, short), Hyppy/The Jump (1965, short), Laituri/Pier (1965), Kaksi Kanaa/Two Chickens (1965, short), Ihmisen merkit/Human Signs (1966, short), Herra Adam käy Suomessa/Mr Adam Goes to Finland (1966, short doc), Plus Minus (1967, short), Abc 123 (1967, short), Runoja 60-luvulta/Poetry in the 60s (1968, short doc), Food (1968, short), Tämäkö on teddy-karhun maailma?/Is this the World of Teddy? (1969, short), Paketti ja kongressi/Package and Congress (1969, short doc), Finland ABC (1969, Short doc), Kirkko pohjoisessa/The Church in the North (1970, short doc), Kinetiikkaa/Kinetics (1972, short), Hvitträsk: talo metsässä/Hvitträsk: A House in the Forest (1972, short doc), Empire Helsingissä/The Empire Style in Helsinki (1972, short doc), Alvar Aalto/Alvar Aalto: A Finnish Architect (1972, short doc), Kansa kuvissa/People in Pictures (1974, short doc), Ihminen/rakennus/ympäristö/Man/Building/Environment: New Finnish Architecture (1976, short doc), Eilispäivän muisto/Memory of Yesterday (1976, short), Suomalaista kansantaidetta/Folk Art in Finland (1977, short doc), Ortodoksinen perinne Suomessa/The Orthodox Tradition in Finland (1977, short doc), Suomalaisen musiikin maaperä/Sources of Finnish Music (1978, short doc), Suomalaisia ympyröitä/Finnish Circles (1981, short doc), Havis Amanda: Helsingin kaunotar/Havis Amanda: The Beauty of Helsinki (1982, doc), Erään rantatien varrelta/A Lakeside Road in Finland (1985, short doc), Hautamuistomerkit kertovat/An Old Graveyard Tells Finnish History (1986, short doc), Merkittäviä suomalaisia naisia/Remarkable Finnish Women (1987, short doc), Kinescope (1991, short)