Djamila Sahraoui

Djamila SAHRAOUI (1950, Algeria) has lived in France since 1975. After studying literature in Algiers she graduated from the IDHEC in direction and editing. In 1980 she made her first short fiction film. After that she made several documentaries including an internationally prize-winning trilogy that forms a chronicle on Algerian society. Barakat! is her first fiction feature.


Houria (1980, short), Avoir 2000 ans dans les Aurès/Having 2000 Years In Aurès (1992, short doc), Prénom Marianne/First Name Marianne (1992, short doc), La moitié du ciel d’Allah (1996, doc), Algéri, la vie quand même/Algeria, the Life Nevertheless (1999, doc), Opération Télé-cités (2000, short doc), Algérie, la vie toujours/Algeria, the Life Always (2001, doc), Et les arbres poussent en Kabylie (2003, doc), Barakat! (2006)