Cameron Worden

Cameron Worden

Still: Digital Devil Saga
Cameron WORDEN is a film artist, programmer and projectionist based in Chicago. He is part of the Chicago Film Society, which exhibits and preserves analogue motion picture film for mainly educational purposes, overseeing the Celluloid Now programme. In 2019 Worden began producing moving images for the Auto-Sketches cycle, a project consisting of personal and experimental nonfiction films, all printed on 35mm for theatrical showcasing.


The Idiot Faces Tomorrow (2015), Prevue 8 (2017, short), Sheebop! Shebopp! Sheebopp! (2018, short, co-dir), AM (2020, short), Frontage Rd. (2021), Leaves for a Reel (2022), You're Dancing This All Wrong (2023), Digital Devil Saga (2024, short)