Riki Kalbe

Riki KALBE (1941, Germany) was filmmaker and photographer, but also a feminist and a collector of stories and pictures. Kalbe researched everyday life stories and pursued the question of what can be remembered. She dedicated her works to the memory of those who disappeared from memory. Between 1976 and 1998 she shot 15 films, some of them in collaboration with Barbara Kasper and others.


Im Prinzip Haben Wir Nichts Gegen Mädchen/In Principle We Don't Mind Girls (1976, short, co-dir), Der Letzte Kuss/Sweet Sticky Stuff (1977, short, co-dir), Hexenschuss/Interferences (1978, short, co-dir), Die Optische Industriegesellschaft Order Darf's Ein Viertel Pfund Mehr Sein?/The Optical Industrial Society Or: Can I Give You a Little More? (1983, short), BodenProben/Ground Analysis (1987, short), Ohne Nachtigallen/WIthout Nightingales (1987, short, co-dir), Knoten Sonnborn/Crossroads (1988, short, co-dir), Kamen-Süd/South Kamen (1989, short, co-dir), Zwei Zu Eins/Two To One (1991, short), Von Der Reichskanzlei Bis Paraguay/From The Reich Chancellery To Paraguay (1992, short, co-dir), Denkmalpflege/Monuments (1993, short), Fussvolk/Pedestrians Crossing (1994, short), Berliner Luft/Berlin Airt (1996, short, co-dir), Der Horizont/The Horizon (1996, short), Ein Gleiches/Another One (1998, short, co-dir)