Jiří Menzel

Jiří MENZEL (1938, Czechoslovakia), a member of the Czechoslovak New Wave, became known internationally when his film Closely Watched Trains (1966) won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. He was trained at the FAMU Filmschool in Prague and has also performed as an actor. Like many Czech filmmakers of his time, Menzel made a film that was banned by the communist regime: Larks on a String (1969), which wasn't released in Czech cinemas until 1990. Menzel's latest work was comedy film The Don Juans (2013).


(selection) Ostře sledované vlaky/Closely Watched Trains (1966), Perličky na dně/Pearls of the Deep (1966, segment Smrt pana Baltazara/The Death of Mr. Balthazar), Skřivánci na niti/Larks on a String (1969), Vesničko má středisková/My Sweet Little Village (1985), Život a neobyčejná dobrodružství vojáka Ivana Čonkina/Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin (1993), Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále/I Served the King of England (2006), Donšajni/The Don Juans (2013)