Jaroslav Vojtek

Jaroslav Vojtek

Jaroslav VOJTEK (1968, Slovakia) graduated in documentary direction from Bratislava’s Academy of Music and Performing Arts (VŠMU). He made short documentaries, short fiction films and long documentaries like Here We Are (2005), about a Slovak family that returns from Kazakhstan to Slovakia. Next came his long documentary The Border (2009).


Slepá viera/Blind Belief (1993), Keby bol hlas zvonu carovný/If the Bell’s Toll Were Magic (1994), Vlasy II/Hair II) (1995), Strom/The Tree (1995), Nepozná ona mna, ani ja ju... /She Does Not Know Me, I Don´t Know Her... (1996), Kamen po kameni/Stone by Stone (1996), Vtedy na Východe/Once upon a Time in the East (2000), Nechcené deti/Unwanted Children (2001), Akvárium/Fish Tank (2001), Blázonko/Crazy Man (2003), My zdes!/Here We Are (2005), Cesta za snom/Journey into Dreams (2006), Malá domov/Back Passing (2008), Hranica/The Border (2009)