Jaime Chávarri

Jaime CHÁVARRI (1943, Spain) is a filmmaker and screenwriter. He was educated to be a lawyer, but after that he turned to Film Studies. He abandoned in his studies in his second year and moved into film criticism. School Trips (1974) was the first feature film he made. With his successive documentary The Disenchantment (1976) he continued the theme of the dysfunctional family. Later on in his career, he turned from making independent films to more commercial ones. 


(selection) Los viajes escolares/School trips (1973), El desencanto/The Disenchantment (1976, doc), A un dios desconocido/To an Unknown God (1977), Dedicatoria/Dedicatory (1980), Las bicicletas son para el verano/Bicycles Are for the Summer (1983), El río de oro/The river of gold (1985), Las cosas del querer/The Things of love (1989), Tierno verano de lujurias y azoteas/Tender Summer of lust and Rooftops (1993), Las cosas del querer. Segunda parte/The things of love. Second part (1995), Gran slalom (1996), Sus ojos se cerraron y el mundo sigue andando/Tangos Are for Two (1997), Besos para todos/Kisses for Everyone (2000), El año del diluvio (2004), Camarón: When Flamenco Became Legend (2005)