Hakim Belabbes

Hakim Belabbes


Boujad: Un nid dans la chaleur/Boujad: A Nest in the Heat (1992, doc), Toujours prêts/Still Ready (1997, short), Un berger et un fusil/A Shepherd and a Rifle (1998), Chuchotements/Whispers (1999, short doc), Trois anges aux ailes cassées/Three Angels, No Wings (2001, short), R’maa (2001, short doc), A Witness (2001, short), Raconte à l’eau/Tell the Water (2002, short doc), Khait errouh/Threads (2003), Alesh a lebhar?/Why, O Sea? (2006), Hazihi al-ayadi/These Hands (2008, doc), Ashlaa/In Pieces (2009, doc), Shi ghadi ou shi jay/Boiling Dreams (2011) Mouhaawalatoune fashila li taarifi el hob/Defining Love: A Failed Attempt (2012), Thiklou ethil/Weight of the Shadow (2015, doc), Arak shitae/Sweat Rain (2016)