Garin Nugroho

Garin Nugroho

Still: Deadly Love Poem
Garin NUGROHO (1961, Indonesia) completed his studies in 1985 at the film academy in Jakarta. Since then, he has built an impressive body of work with features, documentaries and shorts. Nugroho is also a film critic for several Indonesian newspapers and a lecturer at the University of Indonesia. In 1999, IFFR opened with his feature Leaf on a Pillow, and since then, most of his films have been screened in Rotterdam. His film Opera Jawa (2006) was screened at several film festivals, including IFFR, Venice and Toronto. In 2017 this film was released in cinemas in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. His most recent feature, Deadly Love Poem (2022), was selected as part of the IFFR 2023 Harbour programme.


Tepuk Tangan (1986, doc), Menyuling minyak (1988, doc), Tanah tantangan di nusa tenggara timur (1989, doc), Air dan romi (1991, doc), Cinta dalam sepotong roti/Love on a Slice of Bread (1992), Surat untuk bidadari/A Letter to an Angel (1994), Bulan tertusuk ilalang/And the Moon Dances (1995), Daun di atas bantal/Leaf on a Pillow (1998), My Family, My Films and My Nation (1998, doc), Dongeng kancil untuk kemerdekaan/Kancil's Tale of Freedom (1999, doc), Puisi tak terkuburkan/A Poet (2000), Tanjang Priok / Jakarta (2001, short doc), Rembulan di ujung dahan (2002, TV), Aku ingin menciummu sekali saja/Birdman Tale (2002), Trilogi Politik/Political Trilogy (2004, short), Rindu kami padamu/Of Love and Eggs (2004), Serambi (2005, doc), Opera Jawa (2006), Dibawah pohon/Under the Tree (2008), Teak Leaves at the Temples (2008, doc), Generasi biru/The Blue Generation (2009, doc, co-dir), Transformation, Ghosts in Garin Nugroho's House (2009, instal), Mata tertutup/The Blindfold (2012), Soegija (2012), Guru Bangsa: Tjokroaminoto (2015), Aach... aku jatuh cinta/Chaotic Love Poems (2015), Nyai/A Woman from Jawa (2016), Mooncake Story (2017), Kucumbu tubuh indahku/Memories of My Body (2018), Puisi cinta yang membunuh/Deadly Love Poem (2022)

More info: Wikipedia, Garin Nugroho

Garin Nugroho at IFFR