Aki Kaurismäki

Despite having been rejected by the Finnish film academy, Aki KAURISMÄKI (b. 1957, Orimatila, Finland) became a world-famous director. His films, from Drifting Clouds to The Man Without a Past, for which he won the Golden Palm (for best director), are characterized by dry humor, a simple style and understated acting. After Le Havre, the first part of a trilogy about port cities, he contributed to the anthology film Centro HistóricoThe Other Side of Hope (2017) is his latest film. In Berlin, Kaurismäki was awarded a Silver Bear for best director for this, the second part of his port trilogy.


Saimaa ilmiö/The Saimaa Gesture (1981), Rikos ja rangaistus/Crime and Punishment (1983), Calamari Union (1985), Varjoja paratiisissa/Shadows in Paradise (1986), Rocky VI (1986, short), Hamlet liikemaailmassa/Hamlet Goes Business (1987), Thru the Wire (1987, short), Ariel (1988), Leningrad Cowboys Go America (1989), Likaiset kädet (1988, TV) Tulitikkutehtaan tyttö/The Match Factory Girl (1990), I Hired a Contract Killer (1990), Those Were the Days (1991, short), La vie de bohème (1992), These Boots (1992, short), Total Balalaika Show (1993), Pidä huivista kiinni, Tatjana/Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatjana (1994), Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses (1994), Kauas pilvet karkaavat/Drifting Clouds (1996), Juha (1999), Mies vailla menneisyyttä/The Man Without a Past (2002) Laitakaupungin valot/Lights in the Dusk (2006), Le Havre (2011), Centro Histórico (2012, co-dir), Toivon tuolla puolen/The Other Side of Hope (2017)