VR: Interior Motifs

Combined Programme

IFFR 2021

Where do you end and does another begin? In VR: Interior Motifs you are forced to put yourself in someone else’s shoes – sometimes literally – and are confronted with the most intimate thoughts. As (in)voluntary intruder you explore emotions, relationships and decisions. The results are very extremely intimate, sometimes to the point of discomfort.

The Hangman at Home – VR
In five adjacent rooms, five people at turning points in their lives tell their stories. This hand-painted interactive experience positions them, with their keenly observed small gestures, in small theatres. The dioramas invite you closer – but not too close.

Image Technology Echoes
In a grey museum space, an elderly man and a younger woman examine a painting. If you step into one of their bodies, you are immersed in their interior life. In overcrowded rooms, the painting they converse about so dryly elicits impetuous responses.

Combined Programme

IFFR 2021