IFFR x deBuren: Muidhond


IFFR 2020

Talk centring on the intense feature film Muidhond, in which young paedophile Jonathan tries to control his sexual inclinations. This new film by Flemish filmmaker Patrice Toye is based on the eponymous book by author and forensic psychologist Inge Schilperoord. Both delve deep into the emotional life of a man who doesn't want to be what he is, but, as he desperately puts it, "can do nothing else".

Toye and Schilperoord will be present for this talk organised in cooperation with the Flemish-Dutch House deBuren. They will converse with, among others, psychotherapist Jules Mulder and author Ted van Lieshout, who wrote a book about his childhood relationship with an adult in the novel Mijn meneer. Occasioned by the film, they will discuss the human struggle and the search for a more humane perspective on a socially very delicate and relevant issue.

Please note: entirely in Dutch. 


IFFR 2020